Education Data

Here, we dive into the visualizations regarding the relationship between borough demographics and their educational outcomes.

Context Regarding the Visuals

With this data, we use the boroughs for their demographic data and compare it to educational outcomes within the borough by applying averages to the schools within the borough.

Scatterplot of SAT score with Median Household Income

As we can see, boroughs with lower median income have a lower distribution of test scores. As we move up with income distribution, we see higher top scores and higher low scores. The exception is Staten Island, but there are not as many schools, providing us with less data.

Average SAT scores by Boroughs

Staten Island has the highest SAT average and the Bronx and Brooklyn have similar scores at the bottom of the distribution.

This shows a more detailed version of the SAT data. We can see that Staten Island has very few schools and that the Bronx has almost no schools with an average SAT above 1000.

Pie chart of student race makeup with total enrollment

As we can see, Staten Island has the fewest enrolled students and Brooklyn has the most. Other than Staten Island, boroughs are somewhat similar.

Map of SAT Math Scores

We can see a cluster of low scores in the Bronx and higher scores in Staten Island.

Student Enrollment by SAT scores per borough

Larger schoosl tend to have a bit lower of average SAT scores, however this is somewhat of a weak relationship.